Common Name: Mad-Dog Skullcap, Rough Skullcap, Helmet-flower, Common Large Skullcap, Tall Skullcap
Full to part sun, wet to medium moisture level, tolerant of a wide range of soils, prefers acidic pH but tolerates neutral and slightly alkaline pH.
18 to 24 inches height; blooms in late spring to summer; flower color typically various shades of purple but can also be white, blue or pink. Re-seeds readily; also spreads by rhizomes but not aggressively.
Germination Code: C(60)
Native Region: Widespread throughout the state but most heavily concentrated in Cumberland Plateau and in Ridge and Valley provinces.
Skullcap is an attractive, easy-to-grow perennial suitable for the home landscape. A member of the Mint family. Named for the cap shape of the flower and also for seed capsules that slightly resemble helmets worn by military during the Middle Ages. Typically native to wetter ground such as wet pine savannas, seeps in forests, bottomlands, low meadows and other moist sites. However once established can be fairly drought tolerant and is occasionally found in non-wetland areas. Does not attract a lot of pollinators but is bitter tasting and slightly toxic to deer and rabbits.