Common Name: Muscadine Grape
Full to part sun; medium to moderately dry moisture level; rich loamy soil; ? pH.
Can reach in excess of 90 feet height; blooms in June; greenish white flowers; ¾ inch, shiny, purple-black to bronze berries ripen in September and October.
Growth Rate: Fast
Maintenance: Does best with plenty of organic mulch. Any pruning best done in winter when plants are dormant; otherwise they bleed profusely (however it is not fatal).
Propagation: Easy to propagate by layering or from cuttings of soft wood
Native Region: Statewide
Vigorous vine that climbs by tendrils that wrap tightly around anything they can reach. Does not have exfoliating bark like the River Grape. Grapes (technically berries) have a soft, musky flavored pulp and make good jelly. Cultivars are available with fruit nearly twice as large. Fruit attracts wide variety of birds and mammals.