Common Name: Cinnamon Clethra, Mountain Pepperbush
Full to part sun; medium to moderately dry moisture level; requires rocky soil; acidic pH.
8-15 feet height by 4-8 feet spread; blooms in summer; white flowers; fruits are brown capsules.
Growth Rate: Slow to medium
Maintenance: No serious disease or insect problems. Often suckers.
Native Region: Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley and Cumberland Plateau provinces
This shrub’s most striking feature is its reddish brown, exfoliating bark which can be seen from a distance. Flowers do not have the “wow factor” of C. alnifolia and have only a trace of the spicy perfume of C. alnifolia. Becomes almost a small tree with age and looks best with an underplanting of woodland ferns and wildflowers. Although will grow in full sun, does best in part shade. Attracts bees.