Common Name: Yarrow, Common Yarrow
Full sun, medium to moderately dry moisture level, prefers sandy loam soil, slightly acid to slightly alkaline pH but can tolerate very alkaline. 2-3 feet height, blooms spring to early summer, white flowers. Spreads aggressively by underground rhizomes and self-seeding.
Germination Code: A
Native Region: Statewide
A good garden plant with fern-like foliage, showy flowers, and fragrant leaves. Introduced to America in colonial times and has since spread throughout the U.S. A tough plant which tolerates drought and poor soils as long as drainage is good. With its aggressive spreading habit, plants can naturalize into substantial colonies. Plant stems tend to flop in hot, humid climates or if grown in rich, moist soils. Species is rarely sold in nurseries but cultivars are common and include a range of colors. Attracts butterflies and bees.