Common Name: Maidenhair Fern
1-1½ feet tall by 1-1½ feet spread. Prefers full shade but tolerates part shade and heavy shade; medium moisture level; humus-rich soil; moderately acid to neutral pH.
Maintenance: Low
Foliage: Deciduous
Growth/Colonizing Habit: Spreads slowly by branching rhizomes and can eventually form large colonies if it is well sited. Slow grower. Easily propagated by rhizome division in early spring or late fall.
Native Region: Statewide
A delicate, graceful, attractive fern that is easy to grow if its site requirements are met. Occurs naturally on rich wooded slopes, ravine bottoms and in damp shady woods. Protect from harsh prevailing winds. High summer heat can cause fronds to brown by mid to late summer. Will not survive drying out.