Common Name: Wooly Pipevine, Common Dutchman’s Pipe
Open shade to sun; moderately wet to medium moisture level; preferred soil is sandy, sandy loam, or medium loam; neutral to acidic pH.
6-40 feet height (depending on support) by 4-15 feet width; blooms May to August; yellow, green and purple flowers; fruit is a pod-like capsule.
Growth Rate: Rapid
Maintenance: Easy maintenance. Infrequent susceptibility to diseases and insects. Cut back to the thicker stems in late winter to control growth and reduce the mass of tangled stems.
Propagation: Seed germination code C(90) at 40 degrees F. or sow in fall. Easy from seed. Moderately difficult from cuttings.
Native Region: Scattered lightly across the state but primarily in Highland Rim
Deciduous vine that is native to streambanks and floodplains. Very similar to A. macrophylla (Dutchman’s Pipe) except that it has downy white hairs covering its young branches, flowers and leaf undersides, whereas A. macrophylla is basically smooth. Leaves 3-6 inches wide and slightly smaller than A. macrophylla. Climbs by twinning so best supported with wire cable or fencing. Good plant for providing a privacy screen. Will grow in considerable shade but growth will be thinner and plant more likely to develop root suckers. An important larval food source for the Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly; otherwise has very low wildlife value.