Common Name: Fewflower Milkweed, Red Milkweed, Coastal Milkweed
Full sun preferred but tolerates partial sun; wet to moderately wet moisture level; sandy loam or gritty loam soil; prefers strongly acid to neutral pH but tolerates very strongly acid to slightly alkaline pH. 3-5 feet height; blooms in summer; bright red-orange flowers.
Germination Code: A. Sow seed at 61-64 degrees F. in late winter
Native Region: ?
Excellent butterfly plant for wet spots in the garden. Not a very noticeable plant until it flowers with its striking bright red-orange color. Flower heads are somewhat sparse. Occurs naturally in moist ditches, marshes and wet pinelands. Can tolerate brackish water and is most common in tidal marshes on the east coast. Aphids and mealy bugs are common when flowering. Rust and bacterial and fungal leaf spots are quite common in SE U.S. Researchers have concluded that it is a high-quality nectar source for its pollinators. Attracts a wide range of native bees, bumble bees and honey bees as well as butterflies. Larval food source for the Monarch butterfly.