Common Name: Ladyfern
1-3 feet tall by 1-2½ feet spread. Prefers part shade to light shade but will tolerate deep shade; moderately wet to medium moisture level; humus rich soil; moderately acid to neutral pH.
Maintenance: Low. Divide clumps every few years.
Foliage: Deciduous
Growth/Colonizing Habit: Has a creeping rootstock that will spread to 3-7 feet in diameter if growing conditions are favorable. Can become aggressive under favorable conditions.
Native Region: Only occurs in one county — Carter County in the Blue Ridge Province
Very adaptable, graceful fern makes a lovely addition to moist, shade gardens. Many cultivars available on the market. The southern variety, var. asplenioides is Tennessee’s best choice. Drought tolerant once established. Plant in locations sheltered from prevailing winds to keep fronds from breaking. Fronds frequently become somewhat tattered by mid-summer. Occurs naturally in a wide variety of locations, including woodland, wet meadow, prairie, fields, swamp, marsh and lakeshores