Common Name: Crossvine
Full to part sun; moderately wet to medium moisture level; tolerant of a range of soils including rocky outcropings, coarse sands and gravels, sandy loams to fine silt loams, heavy silts, and stiff clay; slightly acid to alkaline pH.
35 -50 feet height (and up to 80 feet) by 3-10 feet width; blooms April through June; red and yellow trumpet-shaped flowers; fruit is a flat brown seedpod 4-7 inches long which splits open to release winged seeds.
Growth Rate: Very fast. Can grow 10-15 feet in a single season.
Maintenance: Tough and adaptable, long-lived vine that is easy to maintain. Infrequent susceptibility to diseases and insects. Blooms on previous year’s wood so wait until after it blooms to trim the vines. Established plants may send up root suckers which should be removed if spread is not desired.
Propagation: Seed germination code A. Easy from seed and moderately difficult from cuttings.
Native Region: Statewide
One of our showiest native vines even though not as well known as its equally showy cousin, Trumpet Vine. Handsome foliage and flowers are its principal ornamental features. Semi-evergreen; leaves turn purplish in winter. Climbs by tendrils with suction disks that allow plant to cement itself to wood and masonry structures. Usually climbs trees but can grow up any place they can get started including fences and barns where you can better view the flowers. Needs to be sited in full sun for best growth and flowering but performs well in partial shade. Very difficult to transplant due to deep roots. Attracts hummingbirds and bees.