Common Name: Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice, Sweet Betsy
Full sun to light shade; wet to medium moisture level; very adaptable to a range of soils; slightly acid to neutral pH.
6-9 feet height by 6-9 feet spread; blooms May-June; maroon colored flowers; pear or fig-shaped leathery capsules in September to October which persist through winter.
Growth Rate: Slow to medium
Maintenance: Trouble-free
Propagation: Germination code A. Moderately easy from seed and from root cuttings.
Native Region: East Tennessee, lightly in Middle Tennessee
Very worthwhile shrub for every garden. Main asset is its unique, oddly shaped flower that releases a sweet, fruity fragrance. Shrubs have a great variation in fragrance so it is wise to smell before you buy. Very shade tolerant. Very low wildlife value.