Common Name: Harebell, Bluebell Bellflower, Bluebell of Scotland
Full sun to light shade, medium to dry moisture level, sandy or gravelly soil, slightly acid to slightly alkaline pH. 12-18 inches height; lavender or blue flowers; blooms in summer; will spread by rhizomes and by re-seeding if conditions are met although seed is very tiny.
Germination Code: A, D. Cool damp pre-treatment for 30 days will improve germination.
Native Region: Locations not mapped
A delicate wildflower with graceful, slender, wiry stems. Nodding, bell-shaped flowers usually occurring in clusters at tip of the stem. Easily cultured and is a tougher plant than it looks. Prefers full sun and moist soil. Does well in ordinary garden soil if taller, more aggressive plants are not allowed to overtake it. Makes a good rock garden plant. Prefers cool summers and does not perform well south of USDA Zone 6. Often short-lived but re-seeds well under desirable conditions. Occurs naturally on moist, rocky, mountain slopes; dry meadows and prairies; open woods; limey cliffs; and beaches. Attracts hummingbirds.