Common Name: White Tinged Sedge, Oak Sedge, Whitetinge Sedge
Part to full shade, medium to dry moisture, most soils except clay, moderately acid to neutral pH. 1 – 1 ½ feet height by 1 – 1 ½ feet spread, green/brown/white flower spikes in May, spreads slowly from underground rhizomes to gradually form colonies and will self-seed under optimal conditions.
Germination Code: ?
Native Region: Scattered statewide
Cool season. Grows in dense, mounded tufts with narrow thread-like, bright green foliage. Leaves are flat and less than 1/8 inch wide. Best grown in groups. Useful as a groundcover or lawn substitute in shade. Tolerates light foot traffic. Good year round foliage. Drought tolerant and pest resistant. Native to upland deciduous woods, clearings, wooded slopes, rocky shaded ledges, and sometimes sandy bottomland forests.