Common Name: Appalachian Sedge
Part to full shade, medium to dry moisture, adapts to a wide variety of soils but cannot tolerate wet soil, moderately acid to neutral pH. 6-8 inches height by 12-18 inches spread, inconspicuous flowers.
Germination Code: ?
Native Region: Widespread in counties in the Blue Ridge Province plus Claiborne County in the Ridge and Valley Province.
Cool season. Graceful, fine-textured, fountain-like habit. Clump grower. Narrow, foot long foliage forms into a sweeping mound about 6 inches tall. Use as a specimen plant or plant en masse. Requires some shade and is drought tolerant. Excellent groundcover in dry, shady sites, even in the root zone under trees and even under walnut trees. Slow growth rate. Low maintenance. A good lawn alternative in dry shade but needs to be used in areas with no foot traffic, which it cannot tolerate. Native to dry woods.