Carex cephalophora

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Common Name: Oval-leaf Sedge, Short-headed Bracted Sedge, Capitate Sedge

Part sun to shade, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, tolerant of a range of soils including clay, very strongly acid to neutral pH.  1-2 feet height.

Germination Code:  C(60)

Native Region:  Scattered statewide

Cool season. Clumping, grass-like sedge.   One of the few sedges that can invade lawns.  Commonly found in disturbed habitats.  Does best in rich, well-drained soils.  Attracts butterflies and birds.

Oval-leaf Sedge, Short-headed Bracted Sedge, Capitate Sedge - Carex cephalophora
Photo Courtesy of Prairie Moon Nursery