Common Name: Virginia Sweetspire, Virginia Willow Sun to light shade; wet to moderately dry moisture level; tolerant of a wide range of soils include coarse sands, gravels, loamy sands, fine…
Common Name: Virginia Sweetspire, Virginia Willow Sun to light shade; wet to moderately dry moisture level; tolerant of a wide range of soils include coarse sands, gravels, loamy sands, fine…
Common Name: Winterberry Full to part sun; wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich organic soils, medium to fine soils (primarily peats or mucks) but tolerates heavy soil; moderately acid…
Common Name: Shrubby St. John’s-wort Full to part sun; moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including dry rocky or sandy soils; slightly acid…
Common Name: Golden St. John’s-wort Full to part sun; moderately dry to dry moisture level; coarse to moderately coarse gravels and sands or loamy sands; neutral to slightly alkaline pH.…
Common Name: Dense St. John’s-wort, Bushy St. Johnswort Full sun; wet to dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including coarse sands, gravels, sandy loams to fine silts,…
Common Name: Oak-leaf Hydrangea Sun to light shade; medium moisture level; prefers rich organic soil but will grow in coarse sandy loams to moderately fine silt loams (no heavy clay);…
Common Name: Smooth Hydrangea, Wild Hydrangea Part sun to light shade; medium moisture level; prefers rich organic soil but will tolerate rocky and clay soils; slightly acid to slightly alkaline…
Common Name: Carolina Buckthorn, Carolina False Buckthorn, Indian Cherry Full to part sun; medium moisture level; occurs naturally on rocky soils but will grow on sandy loam and clay loams;…
Common Name: Large Fothergilla, Mountain Witch-alder Sun to light shade; wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich loams but tolerates poorly drained silty clay soil; moderately acid to neutral pH.…