Common Name: New Jersey Tea
Full sun to light shade; medium to dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including sandy, rocky and sandy clays; moderately to slightly acid pH.
2-3 feet height by 2-3 feet spread; blooms in June; white flowers; three-lobed, dry capsules mature in September-October and persist through winter.
Growth Rate: Slow to medium
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems. Occasional hard pruning in winter keeps it looking good.
Propagation: Germination code C(70). Seed germination can be tricky. Softwood cuttings root readily when collected in summer.
Region: Statewide
This rather handsome shrub is the most adaptable Ceanothus for eastern gardens. It tolerates rain and humidity well as long as the soil is well drained. Although it will grow in shade, bloom quality is sacrificed. Very adaptable and can withstand inhospitable conditions due to its massive, woody roots. Difficult to transplant. Attracts birds and butterflies and is one of the best shrubs for butterfly gardens.