Common Name: Buttonbush
Full sun; wet to moderately wet moisture level; grows in a wide range of soils including sands, gravels, loam, silt, clay loam, stiff clays, peats and mucks; slightly acid to slightly alkaline pH.
5-12 feet height by 5-12 feet spread; blooms July-August; creamy white flowers; seeds are globular balls of reddish to brownish nutlets.
Growth Rate: Medium
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems
Propagation: Germination code A. Moderately easy from seed and from cuttings.
Native Region: Statewide
Distinctive native shrub whose common name refers to the one inch balls of fragrant white flowers that grow from the branch tips, giving the shrub a tropical look. Occurs naturally in swamps and on pond banks. Needs a reliable source of moisture in the garden. Transplants well. Attracts bees and butterflies, particularly large, showy species of butterflies.