Common Name: Largeflower Tickseed, Large-flower Tickseed
Full to part sun; medium to dry moisture level; tolerant of a wide range of soils including sandy, gravelly and clay; slightly acid to neutral to slightly alkaline pH. 1½ -2 feet height by 1½-2 feet spread; blooms in spring and potentially through summer into fall; yellow flowers; self-sows readily.
Germination Code: A
Native Region: Occurs in only 3 counties – Marion, Bradley and Meigs.
A low maintenance, easy-to-grow plant with showy, bright yellow flowers and attractive foliage. Thrives in poor, sandy or rocky soils and tolerates heat, humidity and drought. Tends to sprawl if grown in moist, fertile soil. Best in full sun.
This species has a clump-forming growth pattern. Clump-forming coreopsis are generally not reliably perennial and do not survive winters well, especially if the soil is clay that stays wet in winter. This species also suffers from both powdery mildew and downy mildew. Generally short-lived and sometimes performs as an annual. However, freely self-seeds and can become weedy. Native to open, sandy woods; roadsides; and fields.
The cultivar ‘Early Sunrise’ is the most commonly available form of C. grandiflora and is a compact cultivar at 18” height. This cultivar comes true from seed and is not vegetatively propagated as are most cultivars.
Attracts butterflies and bees.