Common Name: Silky Dogwood
Sun to light shade; wet to moderately wet moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils from fine heavy clay to coarse wet sand; prefers slightly acid to circumneutral pH but tolerates alkaline.
3-10 feet height by 3-6 feet spread; blooms in June; creamy white flowers; fruits are cobalt blue berries often with white blotches.
Growth Rate: Fast
Maintenance: Occasional disease problems and infrequent insect problems
Propagation: Germinate code C(90-120) at 41 degrees. Easy from softwood cuttings.
Native Region: Statewide
This shrub lacks many of the ornamental features that make other dogwoods desirable. Native to low woods along streams and borders of swamps. Probably best used in a naturalized setting to provide food for wildlife as it has a very high wildlife value. Cultivars available.