Common Name: Wavy Hairgrass
Part shade, medium to moderately dry moisture, prefers organically rich soil, acidic pH. 2-3 feet height by 1-2 feet spread, blooms summer into early fall, purple to bronze flowers, may self-seed under optimal conditions.
Germination Code: ?
Native Region: Only occurs in 8 counties: Carter, Fentress, Morgan, Van Buren, Rhea, Hamilton, Grundy, and Marion.
Cool season. An elegant native grass with a fine-textured, delicate, wispy appearance. Clump forming. Showy flowers on stems that rise to 3 feet above the ground. Excellent used as a specimen plant or massed in groups. Combines well with shade plants such as ferns and hostas. Dramatic when planted en masse. Will not flower well if put in too much shade. Slow growth rate. Drought tolerant. No serious disease or insect problems. Sensitive to overwatering and needs good drainage. Native to dry open woods, slopes, fields, grasslands and open areas. Good option for planting in a dry woodland setting.