Common Name: Southern Bush Honeysuckle
Full sun to light shade; medium to dry moisture level; tolerant of a range of soil including clay; acidic to neutral pH.
3-5 feet height by 3-5 feet spread; blooms in June and July; sulfur-yellow flowers often fading to red; fruit is a two-chambered, many seeded, thin-walled capsule.
Growth Rate: Fast; suckers.
Maintenance: Easy and adaptable. Low maintenance and free of pests and diseases. Should be pruned back in early spring.
Propagation: Seed germination code A. Easy from cuttings, root cuttings and seed.
Native Region: Limited to 8 counties, primarily in the Unaka Mountains and the Ridge and Valley province.
An attractive shrub that is both functional and durable. Long-blooming and provides good cover for difficult spots. Good for bank stabilization. On rich, moist soil, it spreads more aggressively, so is better off in a fairly dry soil where it is more restrained. Can withstand heavy shade but best in full sun; needs some sun to retain its ornamental qualities. Cultivars available. Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.
Note: Do not confuse this choice, native shrub with the wild honeysuckle bush, Lonicera tartarica, or the Japanese honeysuckle vine, both of which are invasive exotics.