Common Name: Narrow-leaved Spleenwort, Glade Fern, Silvery Spleenwort
2-3 feet tall by 2-3 feet spread. Part shade to medium shade but tolerates heavy shade; medium moisture level; organically rich soil; neutral to slightly alkaline pH.
Maintenance: Low
Growth/Colonizing Habit: Spreads by creeping rhizomes and may form large colonies over time in optimum growing conditions.
Foliage: Deciduous
Native Region: Statewide, lightly in West Tennessee
An easy-to-grow fern with a clumping habit whose sterile fronds appear first in spring and then fertile fronds appear later as the summer progresses. Foliage turns brown if allowed to dry out. Occurs naturally in lower areas of wooded slopes, bottoms and lower slopes of shaded ravines and rocky canyons, and moist wooded areas along streams and especially in areas where sandstone or limestone is close to the ground surface.