Common Name: Swamp Privet, Eastern Swampprivet
Full to part sun; wet moisture level; highly adaptable to various soils including clay; acidic to neutral pH.
5-8 (up to 30) feet height and slightly less in spread (up to 25 feet); blooms in spring; yellow flowers in late winter which are most showy on male plants; showy purple-black fruits in summer on female plants.
Growth Rate: ?
Maintenance: ?
Propagation: Sow seed as soon as it is ripe in autumn or late winter.
Native Region: Primarily in Coastal Plain and Highland Rim provinces
Deciduous shrub usually found in low lying, wetland areas. Usually a large shrub but can be grown as a small tree. Attractive bark, colored gray on older branches and smooth, brownish bark on the trunk. Small, yellow, fragrant flowers emerge before the leaves unfold. Male and female flowers are on separate plants. Occurs naturally in lowland woods, swamp forests, and rocky edges of streams and ponds. Good for streambank stabilization. Fruits are good food for birds and other wildlife. Unfortunately this plant shares its common name with the exotic invasive privet that is so well known.