Common Name: Northern Bedstraw
Part shade, moderately wet to medium moisture level, not fussy about type of soil but should not be planted in heavy poorly drained soils, moderately acid to neutral pH. 1-2 feet height, white flowers, blooms in summer, spreads aggressively by creeping roots and self-seeding.
Germination Code: C(30-45); however will germinate without pre-treatment.
Native Region: Not reported by Tennessee Herbarium. However, reported as a Tennessee native by both US Department of Agriculture and US Forest Service.
Low maintenance plant with showy, fragrant flowers. Easy to grow. Has a fragrant smell when crushed and was historically used as a fragrant stuffing for pillows and bedding. Best planted in a naturalized setting because can form sizeable patches and smother other, more desirable plants. Makes a good groundcover and is a useful plant for shoreline and other restoration projects. Native to open woods, woodland edges, and meadows. Prefers moist soils but tolerant of dry conditions once established.