Common Name: Rosinweed Sunflower, Ozark Sunflower, Silphium Sunflower
Full sun; moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level; adapts to a wide range of soils including clay, sandy, and rich loam. 3-10 feet height, blooms in fall, yellow flowers, typically found on acid soils. May self-seed.
Germination Code: ?
Native Region: West and Middle Tennessee
Attractive sunflower with showy flowers and large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. Each plant sends up a nearly bare stem which branches out toward the top, producing up to 12 or more sunflowers. First opens in late August, which is later than many other sunflowers. Drought tolerant. Typically found on stream banks and in fields, wood margins, dry upland open woods, thickets and roadsides. Attracts butterflies and birds; finches like the seed.