Common Name: Hairy Rose Mallow
Full to part sun, wet to moderately wet moisture level, rich soil. 3-6 feet height, white flowers with red centersFull to part sun, moderately wet to dry moisture level, prefers sandy soil but adaptable to most soils including clay. 16-24 inches height, blooms late spring to early summer, purple/pink flowers.
Germination Code: C(60)
Native Region: Coastal Plain and Interior Low Plateaus
Easy to grow from seed. Flowers are 5 inches across. Full sun produces the best flowering and is the best environment for resisting disease. Good for wetland gardens or other wet places in the yard.
Attracts birds and butterflies. Sometimes caterpillars of the Painted lady and Checkered skipper butterflies feed on the leaves. Deer may browse on leaves but plants are tough and grow back quickly.