Common Name: Dense St. John’s-wort, Bushy St. Johnswort
Full sun; wet to dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including coarse sands, gravels, sandy loams to fine silts, stiff clay, peats, and mucks; moderately acid to neutral pH.
4-6 feet height by 3-4 feet spread; blooms in summer; golden yellow flowers; red brown to maroon seed capsules in fall.
Growth Rate: Slow to medium
Maintenance: Easy to grow. Infrequent disease and insect problems.
Propagation: Seed germination code A. Moderately easy from cuttings and easy from seed.
Native Region: Primarily in Ridge and Valley Province plus isolated counties in Unaka Mountains and Coastal Plain
Deciduous shrub with upright oval habit, taller than broad and densely twiggy and leafy. Yellow pouffy, pom-pom like flowers. More prone to root diseases in wet years if planted in heavy clay. Valuable source of pollen for bees. Also attracts birds and butterflies.