Common Name: Golden St. John’s-wort
Full to part sun; moderately dry to dry moisture level; coarse to moderately coarse gravels and sands or loamy sands; neutral to slightly alkaline pH.
3-4 feet height by 3-4 feet spread; blooms in July; bright yellow flowers; red brown to maroon purple seed capsules in fall.
Growth Rate: Slow to medium
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems. Easy to grow.
Propagation: Easy from seed and moderately easy from cuttings
Native Region: Primarily in Middle Tennessee plus isolated counties in Western and Eastern Tennessee
Upright, rounded deciduous shrub with rather stout branches and handsome blue-green leaves. One of the best Hypericums for the garden with its warm reddish-brown exfoliating bark. Attractive yellow, very large, poufy, pom-pom like flowers. Tolerates dry soils and extreme heat better than many Hypericum. More prone to root diseases in wet years if planted in heavy clay. Valuable source of pollen for bees. ‘Sunburst’ is a popular cultivar that makes a lovely mass plant and is superior in the southeastern landscape.