Common Name: Shrubby St. John’s-wort
Full to part sun; moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level; tolerates a wide range of soils including dry rocky or sandy soils; slightly acid to slightly alkaline pH.
1-5 feet height by 1-4 feet spread; blooms in summer; golden yellow flowers; large pointed oval seed capsules in late summer to fall.
Growth Rate: Slow
Maintenance: Easy to grow. No serious insect or disease problems. Blooms on new growth so prune in early spring if needed.
Propagation: Seed germination codes A & D. Easy from seed and moderately easy from cuttings.
Native Region: Middle and East Tennessee
Compact deciduous rounded shrub with an erect habit and poufy, pom-pom like showy flowers. Red to purple exfoliating bark that reveals attractive pale orange inner bark. Grows naturally on margins of swamps and bogs and on sandy or rocky ledges and in open woods. One of the hardiest and most adaptable Hypericums. Good plant for difficult situations. More susceptible to root diseases in wet years if planted in heavy clay. Valuable source of pollen for bees.