Common Name: Dudley’s Rush
Full sun, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, tolerates a range of soils including clay loam and gravelly, tolerates alkaline pH. 1 – 2 ½ feet height, blooms spring to early summer, greenish or brownish flowers, spreads by rhizomes and can sometimes spread aggressively.
Germination Code: C(60), D. Very small seeds at 3.2 million per ounce.
Native Region: Scattered statewide but mostly concentrated in the Highland Rim and surrounding Interior Low Plateaus
A cool-season grower that has erect or ascending stems that are stiff and straight with flat, green leaves up to 12 inches long. Each stem terminates in a branched inflorescence consisting of 6-60 flowers. Good for wetland restoration. Will tolerate dry periods when water disappears.