Common Name: Common Rush, Soft Rush
Full sun, wet to medium moisture level, tolerates a range of soils including clay and sandy, moderately acid to neutral pH. 2 – 4 feet height, blooms mid-spring, greenish-brown flowers, will naturalize by creeping rhizomes and by self-seeding.Full sun, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, tolerates a range of soils including clay loam and gravelly, tolerates alkaline pH. 1 – 2 ½ feet height, blooms spring to early summer, greenish or brownish flowers, spreads by rhizomes and can sometimes spread aggressively.
Germination Code: C(60), D. Very small seeds at 1 million per ounce.
Native Region: Statewide
This cool-season grower is a wetland plant in Tennessee, growing in marshes and wet meadows. Soft, grass-like stems grow in clumps. Each clump bears clusters of very small, scaly flowers. Each flower produces a dark brown, shiny seed capsule. Provides outstanding form, texture and vertical accent in wet areas of the landscape. Easy to grow. Will grow in standing water up to 4 inches deep. Attracts songbirds and waterfowl.