Common Name: Michigan Lily
Full to part sun, wet to medium moisture level, needs rich humusy soil high in organic matter, very strongly acid to neutral pH. 2-5 feet height, blooms in summer, orange flowers.
Germination Code: E Very difficult to establish by seeds or plugs.
Native Region: Concentrated in Middle Tennessee and in isolated counties in West and East Tennessee
Charming native lily that is designated a “Threatened Species” in Tennessee. Orange flowers up to 3 inches across with dark spots marking inner surface of the six petals. Native to wet meadows and low woods. Spreads by underground runners but usually slow to spread. Although it does best with some sun and deep fertile soil, it will tolerate light shade and soils with some clay or some sand. No serious disease or insect problems. Mulch to keep root zone cool, and organic fertilizers are best. Highly attractive to deer, rabbits and voles. Attracts hummingbirds and larger flying insects such as Sphinx Moths, Hummingbird Moths, and larger butterflies.