Common Name: Common Moonseed, Canada Moonseed
Part to full shade; medium moisture level; prefers rich soil but tolerates rocky, sandy or gravelly loams, heavy silts, silty clay loams, and stiff clays; moderately acid to circumneutral pH.
6-12 feet height; blooms June and July; greenish white to yellow flowers; fruit is a blue-black berry.
Growth Rate: Fast. Suckers.
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems. Stems are soft and easily broken.
Propagation: Easily propagated by division
Native Region: Statewide
Very adaptable vine with slender stems that need support. Leaves are quite large (4-10”) which makes for an effective screen. Both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required; the plant is not self-fertile. Although the berries are quickly devoured by birds, they are poisonous to man.