Common Name: Cinnamon Fern
2-3 feet tall by 2-3 feet spread. Part shade to full shade and tolerates heavy shade; wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich humusy soil but will grow in sandy, sandy loam, medium loam, clay loam, and clay soils; moderately acid pH.
Maintenance: Low. Can propagate by root division in fall or early spring.
Growth/Colonizing Habit: Moderate grower, spreading by rhizomes into colonies.
Foliage: Deciduous
Native Region: Statewide
Large fern with unusually showy fertile fronds. When mature, fertile fronds become a striking reddish brown which makes plant easy to identify. Can reach up to 6 feet with constant moisture. Excellent fern for wet areas along ponds, streams, water gardens or in bogs, and also good for shaded borders or woodland native plant gardens. Occurs naturally in boggy areas along streams and on shaded bluffs and ledges. Can grow in full sun if it is in standing water at all times. Otherwise must have at least moist soil and partial shade. Common name refers to cinnamon colored fibers at base of the fronds.