Common Name: Glade Phlox, Cleft Phlox, Starry Cleft Phlox, Sand Phlox
Full to part sun, moderately dry to dry moisture level, sandy or rocky soil, alkaline pH (>7.2). 4 to 6 inches height, blooms in early spring, white to pale blue flowers. May self seed and spread slowly to form a large colony if planted in optimum conditions.
Germination Code: C(60)
Native Region: Only occurs in 3 counties – Davidson, Rutherford and Wilson
Tennessee hosts a subspecies of Cleft Phox – Phlox bifida ssp. stellaria, which is designated a Threatened Species. It is a mat-forming plant with lovely, deeply notched, fragrant flowers. Native to cedar glades, rocky bluffs and sandhills, occurring naturally on thin soils on limestone glades or on rocky slopes. Attracts butterflies, moths and some bees.
Plants that are available commercially are likely to be Phlox bifida ssp bifida which will have a little more variation in flower color, ranging from white to pink to pale violet.