Common Name: Red Chokeberry
Full to part sun; wet to dry moisture level; prefers rich soil but will grow in fine to coarse soils including mucks, clays and fine sands; moderately to slightly acid pH.
6-11 feet height by 3-5 feet spread; blooms in spring; white flowers; bright red, pear-shaped berries in fall.
Growth Rate: Slow
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems.
Propagation: Germination code C(90). Softwood cuttings root easily without hormone treatment.
Native Region: Scattered statewide but concentrated in the Highland Rim, Central Basin and Cumberland Plateau provinces
Multi-stemmed shrub that sends out suckers to form colonies. Excellent for naturalistic landscaping. Reddish-brown exfoliating bark and terrific red fall color. Almost all red chokeberries available at nurseries are the cultivar ‘Brilliantissima’ with large, bright red fruit and good, red fall color. Although berries persist through much of the winter, they appear to be of little importance to wildlife and are only occasionally eaten by birds.