Common Name: Jumpseed, Virginia Knotweed, Woodland Knotweed, Smartweed
Part to full shade; moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level; tolerates a range of soils including sandy, loamy, and heavy clay; slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH. 2-2 ½ feet height, blooms in summer, white flowers.
Germination Code: C(60)
Native Region: Scattered statewide
A combination of white flowers, white seed structures and attractive foliage makes a nice addition in the shade garden. Spreads by both rhizomes and seed, with ability to shoot seed up to 10-13 feet through the air. However, unlike many other members of the Polygonum genus, it is generally not considered invasive or weedy. Sometimes has a chevron-marking on the leaves (see photo). Cultivars available with pink to red flowers. Occurs naturally in floodplain forests, dry woodlands, rich deciduous forests, and thickets.