Common Name: Long-headed Coneflower, Upright Prairie Coneflower
Full sun, medium to dry moisture, adapted to a wide range of soils including clay, moderately acid to neutral pH. 1-3 feet height, blooms in summer, yellow/orange flowers, spreads slowly by re-seeding.
Germination Code: C(30)
Native Region: Occurs only in two counties – Campbell and Davidson
Colorful, attractive flowers on a fast-growing wildflower that is not fussy about soil, preferring dry soils with gravel, sand or clay. Easy to grow from seed. Best planted in a group as it has little branching. Not competitive with more aggressive neighbors. Often short-lived but will re-seed. It is a member of the Aster Family that is most noted for the long, cylindrical center disk in each flower. Attracts bees and butterflies.