Common Name: Swamp Rose
Full to part sun; moderately wet moisture level; best on rich loamy soil; acidic pH.
3-6 feet height by 3-6 feet spread; blooms in summer; rose pink flowers; red pea-sized rose hips in late summer.
Growth Rate: Slow
Maintenance: Easy to grow. As is typical of roses, it is susceptible to many pests and diseases. Needs good air circulation to reduce disease. Prune as needed in late winter.
Propagation: Seed germination codes C(60), H, F. Moderately easy from seed and moderately difficult from cuttings.
Native Region: Statewide, concentrated in the Cumberland Plateau and Unaka Mountains
Attractive species of rose with fragrant flowers that can be used as hedges, on walls, fences or trellises for climbing, planted en masse, or planted in raised beds. Good fall leaf color. Has stout, hooked thorns. Occurs naturally in swamps, bog margins, freshwater marshes and on damp shores. Good selection for poorly drained, wet soils. Attracts birds, butterflies and bees.