Common Name: Softstem Bulrush, Great Bulrush
Full sun, wet to moderately wet moisture level, tolerates a range of soils including clay, loam, peat or sandy, strongly acid to neutral pH. 3-9 feet height, blooms in spring, reddish brown flowers, spreads aggressively by rhizomes and can form large colonies.
Germination Code: C(60), D
Native Region: ?
A cool-season grower that is a wetland plant in Tennessee. One of the tallest of the bulrushes and can reach up to 10 feet. Occurs in deep or shallow water, or in muddy or marshy ground around lakes, ponds, streams and in wooded wetlands. Good for habitat reconstruction and erosion control along areas with occasional flooding. Plant is salt tolerant and will grow in saline conditions. Attracts birds.