Common Name: Starry False Lily of the Valley, Starry Solomon’s Plume, Star-flowered Solomon’s Seal, Little False Solomon’s Seal
Part to full shade, moderately wet to dry moisture level, prefers sandy soil but adapts to a variety of soils, moderately acid to neutral pH. 1-2 feet height, blooms in spring, white flowers, spreads by rhizomes and can increase rapidly.
Germination Code: F,
Native Region: Only occurs in Pickett and Sullivan counties
Designated an “Endangered Species” in Tennessee. A dainty perennial with star-shaped flowers. Best grown in rich, loose, humusy soils. Especially hot, humid summers hamper growth. Can be used as a groundcover. Produces black globose fruits up to 1/4 inch in diameter, which are bitter-tart in taste but edible.