Solidago nemoralis

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Common Name:  Gray Goldenrod, Old Field Goldenrod

Full to part sun, moderately dry to dry moisture level, tolerant of most soils except clay, slightly acidic to neutral pH.  6-24 inches height, blooms late summer into fall, yellow flowers, prolific re-seeder and also spreads by rhizomes.

Germination Code: C(60), D.  If seed is fresh, no pre-treatment required.

Native Region: Statewide except absent in the northwest corner of the state

One of the smallest species of goldenrod and also one of the latest to bloom.  Produces a mass of bright yellow flowers. Tolerates very poor soil and is excellent for xeriscaping and rock gardens. It is an under-utilized species that is shorter and less aggressive than common goldenrod. Has a tendency to form colonies at a suitable suite. Attracts butterflies, bees and birds.

Gray Goldenrod, Old Field Goldenrod - Solidago nemoralis 2
Photo Courtesy of Prairie Moon Nursery
Gray Goldenrod, Old Field Goldenrod - Solidago nemoralis
Photo Courtesy of Prairie Moon Nursery