Common Name: Showy Goldenrod
Full sun, medium to dry moisture level, tolerates poor soils including rocky and clay soils, adaptable to a range of pH. Typically 2-3 feet height (but can reach 5-7 feet), blooms late summer into fall, yellow flowers, spreads by rhizomes and is a prolific re-seeder.
Germination Code: C(60), D
Native Region: Eastern half of the state, primarily in Cumberland Plateau and the Ridge and Valley provinces
One of the showiest goldenrods with dramatic bright yellow flowers. An underappreciated plant that deserves to be used more often in gardens. It does not cause hay fever; its pollen is too heavy to float in the air. Easy to grow. Can topple over if grown with too much moisture and fertilizer. Attracts butterflies, bees and birds. Seldom bothered by deer due to its bitter taste.