Common Name: Hardhack Steeplebush
Full sun; wet to medium moisture level; best in not too rich soil and grows in medium loams to fine sands, silt loams, wet clays, organic peats and mucks; moderately acid pH.
2-5 feet height by 2-5 feet spread; blooms July to September; pink to rosy purple flowers; dark red to chocolate brown seed capsules arranged in groups of 5 and persisting until late March.
Growth Rate: Fast. Spreads by suckering.
Maintenance: Occasional disease and insect problems. Easy to grow. Hard prune every few years when plant is dormant.
Propagation: Easy from cuttings or from seed
Native Region: Cumberland Plateau
Small, deciduous, mound-shaped shrub with reddish bark. Very pretty in flower but pretty nondescript the rest of the year. Tough, resilient, fast-growing shrub. Gets its name from the narrow, pointed flowers on stiff canes. Occurs naturally in swamps, pond shores and wet meadows. Intermediate wildlife value. Attracts bees and butterflies.