Common Name: American Snowball
Dappled light or morning sun only; moderately wet to medium moisture level; prefers rich, fertile soil but tolerates sandy loam; moderately acid pH.
6-10 feet height by 6-10 feet spread; blooms in May; snowy white flowers; fruits are small, round dry berries in late summer.
Growth Rate: Slow. Will slowly sucker to form colonies.
Maintenance: No serious insect or disease problems
Propagation: Seed germination code C(90) at 41 degrees F. Moderately easy from seed. Very easy from softwood cuttings.
Native Region: West Tennessee
A deciduous shrub or small tree with a widely branched crown. Slender-stemmed and rather wispy in appearance. An ornamental and underappreciated species with beautiful, dangling flowers with a penetrating, citrusy perfume. Does not compete well with other shrubs or trees. Occurs naturally in moist woods, wooded streambanks, swamp margins and floodplains. Grows well in shade but tolerates full sun with sufficient moisture. Attracts bees and butterflies. Birds eat the leathery seed in the fall.