Common Name: Panicled Aster, White Panicle Aster, White Field Aster, Narrow Leaf Aster, Willow Aster
Full to part sun, moderately wet to medium moisture, tolerant of a wide range of soils including clay, acidic to neutral pH. 2-5 feet height, blooms in fall, white flowers which are occasionally violet tinged, spreads aggressively by both re-seeding and by rhizomes.
Germination Code: A
Native Region: Scattered statewide
Panicled Aster is a common, widespread species, occurring in all states of the continental U.S. It is one of our most aggressive asters, spreading by rhizomes and re-seeding to form colonies. However, if you have sufficient space or need plants for a moist meadow, shoreline restoration or large rain garden, this plant has a lot to offer. A profusion of white flowers can light up the landscape, especially in hard-to-grow places. Although aggressive, it generally will not out compete other plant species. Native habitats include disturbed areas, roadside ditches, fence rows, pastures and abandoned fields. Attracts a wide range of pollinators, including many species of bees, moths, wasps, and butterflies.