Common Name: Hoary Verbena, Woolly Verbena, Tall Vervain, Hoary Vervain
Full to part sun; medium to dry moisture level; rocky, sandy or loamy soil; and pH tolerant. 2-4 feet height, blue-lavender flowers; blooms summer into fall, re-seeds readily.
Germination Code: C(60), D
Native Region: Common within the Coastal Plain Province and limited to only two counties outside that area – Pickett and Wilson counties.
This clump-forming perennial is very easy to germinate, low maintenance, and very drought tolerant once established. Blooms second year after seeding. Flowers are densely packed on the stem but bloom only a few at a time, going from bottom to top. Leaves and stems are covered with long, white hairs. Generally short-lived but self-seeds and may naturalize to form colonies especially on poor soil where it can outperform other plants. On rich soil, it performs more poorly because it is not competitive. Found naturally in upland prairies, gravel prairies, and limestone glades and particularly in areas of human disturbance such as overgrazed pastures, abandoned fields, and roadsides. Excellent wildlife value. Flowers attract hummingbirds as well as many species of insects including bees, moths, wasps, and butterflies. Larval food for Buckeye butterfly. Seeds are a staple food for many small mammals and birds.