Common Name: Arrowwood, Southern Arrowwood
Full sun to light shade; moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level; prefers loamy rich soil but adapted to various soils including gravelly and sandy loams, fine loamy sands, silt loams, silts, peat and clay soils; moderately acid to slightly acid pH.
6-12 feet height by 4-10 feet spread; blooms in May and June; creamy white flowers; small, globular, blue to blackish, ¼ inch diameter berries in drooping, flat-topped clusters in early fall.
Growth Rate: Medium
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems. Easy to grow. All viburnums benefit from a thinning or hard pruning in late winter to remove older stems.
Propagation: Easy from softwood cuttings and difficult from seed
Native Region: Eastern half of Tennessee
Deciduous, slender, upright shrub that produces fast-growing sprouts from its base. Attractive addition to the landscape. Possibly the most durable viburnum for the eastern U.S. Commonly occurs in partial shade but can be grown in full sun. Occurs naturally in floodplain forests, stream beds, wet woodlands, swamp edges and bogs. Birds relish the fruit and seeds. Cultivars available.