Common Name: Adamsneedle Yucca
Full sun; moderately dry to dry moisture level; sandy loams are best but is not fussy about soil and grows in coarse sands and gravels, loamy sands, medium loams, and even pure sand; moderately acid to circumneutral pH.
Up to 3 feet height by 3 feet spread; blooms in summer; creamy white flowers; fruits are a dry, woody, 6-sided pod-like capsule, 1 – 1 ½ inches long in fall.
Growth Rate: Medium to slow
Maintenance: Infrequent disease and insect problems. Remove flower stalk once flowers have dropped. Otherwise plant requires very little maintenance.
Propagation: Easy from seed and root cuttings. Seed sprouts easily.
Native Region: Lightly scattered statewide
Very small, evergreen shrub with flower stalks up to 6 feet tall. A member of the Agave family with stiffly erect, spreading, sword-like leaves with sharp, pointed tips. Real attraction is the 3-6 foot high flower stalks with yellowish white, pendulous flowers that have a somewhat perfumed scent. Long-lived, very hardy, and very drought resistant. Deep taproot so very difficult to transplant. Very low wildlife value but does attract hummingbirds. Cultivars available.