February 2021

Meehania cordata

Common Name:  Heartleaf Meehania, Meehan’s Mint Part to full shade, medium moisture level, rich humusy soil.  4-6 inches height, blooms mid to late spring; blue lavender flowers.  Will naturalize by…

Zizia aptera

Common Name:  Heart-leaf Golden Alexanders, Meadow Zizia Full to part sun, moderately dry to dry moisture level, sandy or clay soils, pH tolerant.  1-3 feet height, blooms in spring, yellow…

Erigenia bulbosa

Common Name:  Harbinger-of-Spring, Salt-and-Pepper Plant  Dappled sunlight in spring and shade in summer, moderately wet to medium moisture level, humusy rich soil, circumneutral pH.  3-10 inches height, blooms in early…